If you have not already RSVP’d, this is a reminder for Leadership Training this coming Sunday, August 4, 2024, at the home of Jackie Zev. We hope to see many of you attending. Since we are providing a small breakfast and a nice lunch, we do need RSVP’s . Would you like to know the Why's of Sisterhood. What is WRJ? What is the YES Fund? How do we plan for the year in Sisterhood? Are you a leader or do you have any interest in becoming a leader in the future? Please attend our Leadership Training Meeting. See attached flyer for details.
Don't miss out on free shipping for the Honey Program!
The free shipping deadline on shipped jars of honey is Sunday, August 4. After August 4, an $8 shipping charge applies to each shipped jar. If you would like to send shipped honey to friends, family, or perhaps to thank someone for something nice they did for you, I suggest you fill out and send in the form (attached) today. The cost of honey wishes for the clergy and staff does not change. There is never a shipping fee for honey wishes to clergy and staff. Thanks to all who have already sent in your order forms! Your participation in our honey program is much appreciated as it is a fundraiser for Sisterhood. Oops, forgot to attach the honey program instructions and order form on the original email! Here it is. You can also find the instructions and order form on our website at
Sisterhood's annual Honey Program is off and running! The program has two parts: 1) You can order an 8oz jar of Kosher honey to be sent to anyone in the US for just $14. What a sweet way to send your love, say think you, or tell someone you miss them! If you order before August 4, shipping is free. After August 4, shipping is $8/jar. 2) You can send your wishes for a sweet and happy New Year to our clergy and/or to members of our professional staff. Each staff member gets one jar of honey and a letter with all the people wishing that person a sweet and joyful year. Send honey wishes to the entire Temple clergy and staff for $36, or send individual clergy and staff wishes for $6/wish. See attached flyer for more details and an order form. Remember that free shipping ends August 4, so get your order for shipped jars in right away. Contact Jackie Zev at 818-832-9099 or [email protected] if you have questions! Sisterhood's annual Honey Program is off and running! The program has two parts:
1) You can order an 8oz jar of Kosher honey to be sent to anyone in the US for just $14. What a sweet way to send your love, say think you, or tell someone you miss them! If you order before August 4, shipping is free. After August 4, shipping is $8/jar. 2) You can send your wishes for a sweet and happy New Year to our clergy and/or to members of our professional staff. Each staff member gets one jar of honey and a letter with all the people wishing that person a sweet and joyful year. Send honey wishes to the entire Temple clergy and staff for $36, or send individual clergy and staff wishes for $6/wish. See attached flyer for more details and an order form. Remember that free shipping ends August 4, so get your order for shipped jars in right away. Contact Jackie Zev at 818-832-9099 or [email protected] if you have questions! Leadership Training Meeting - postponed from tomorrow, July 7th to August 4th Tomorrow's Leadership Training Meeting has been postponed until August 4.
Jackie Zev (along with at least one other person who just returned from a cruise) tested positive for covid this morning (despite being negative last night!) Fortunately she only has a scratchy throat, and otherwise feels fine, but she does not want to give it to anyone. Sorry for the inconvenience. On the bright side, if you wanted to come, but Sunday didn't work for you and August 4 does, you can now come! Reminder Leadership Training Meeting Sunday July 7, 2024 If you have not already RSVP’d, this is a reminder for Leadership Training this coming Sunday, July 7th, at the home of Jackie Zev. We hope to see many of you attending. Since we are providing a small breakfast and a nice lunch, we do need RSVP’s. Have a nice, safe 4th of July. See information below.
Would you like to know the Why's of Sisterhood. What is WRJ? What is the YES Fund? How do we plan for the year in Sisterhood? Are you a leader or do you have any interest in becoming a leader in the future? Please attend our Leadership Training Meeting. See attached flyer for details. |
AuthorYour president sends regular emails with upcoming events and interesting information. emails are posted here, so if you miss one, you can always find out what was said. Archives
January 2025
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