Onegs are a huge part of our Friday night services, and as the new Religious Observances Vice President, I want to ensure everyone who wishes to participate gets the opportunity. Whether you’d like to help with an Oneg weekly (shopping), monthly, or occasionally, please let me know.
Joining an Oneg team involves arriving at the temple 45 minutes before the service time to help set up the room (tablecloths, centerpieces), food (plating cookies, fruit, and cake), and drinks (making punch and coffee). You will be able to attend the services on time. Afterward, you’ll assist with serving and cleanup. Each team has a lead, so you are never on your own. If you believe you're already on the substitute list, please still confirm your participation. We're starting fresh and don't want to miss anyone. Thank you to all who have contributed in the past and to our new volunteers. Your support and dedication are greatly appreciated. Contact me if you'd like to volunteer. Thank you, Robyn Blachman Religious Observances VP
Welcome Back Event Thursday August 22, 2024 Reminder:
We are looking forward to seeing many of you this coming Thursday night. Did you know that TAS has an Israeli Dance group?
It is lay led, meets in the Social Hall at TAS and is very fun! All Sisterhood Members are invited to the next gathering on Tuesday morning, August 27 from 10:30 to Noon. Bring your water bottle and wear socks or non-stick shoes as we dance on the carpet. There is no charge – a benefit of TAS Membership. For more information, please contact Laraine Miller, 818-631-8199 or [email protected] Sisterhood's next fabulous Bingotini event will be Saturday, September 14 at 7:30pm. Mark your calendar! As always, there will be prizes, martinis, smoothies, snacks, camaraderie, fun, and (of course) BINGO!
Why not RSVP today while you are thinking about it? Reserve and pay online at, or send your check ($36/person) to Sue Cohen, 22349 James Alan Circle, Chatsworth, CA 91311 See you on September 14! Sisterhood is having their first meeting of the year on Thursday, August 22 at 7pm in the TAS Social Hall. This is a mostly social event to reconnect with friends (and make new friends) and have fun. We will be reviewing and voting on our budget at the beginning of this meeting, with a SHORT presentation. We will have raffles to raise money for Campership, and enjoying snacks.
If you have not yet renewed your Sisterhood membership for the coming year you can bring a check to the meeting or you can renew online at We hope to see you on August 22! |
AuthorYour president sends regular emails with upcoming events and interesting information. emails are posted here, so if you miss one, you can always find out what was said. Archives
September 2024
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