Reminder Leadership Training Meeting Sunday July 7, 2024 If you have not already RSVP’d, this is a reminder for Leadership Training this coming Sunday, July 7th, at the home of Jackie Zev. We hope to see many of you attending. Since we are providing a small breakfast and a nice lunch, we do need RSVP’s. Have a nice, safe 4th of July. See information below.
Would you like to know the Why's of Sisterhood. What is WRJ? What is the YES Fund? How do we plan for the year in Sisterhood? Are you a leader or do you have any interest in becoming a leader in the future? Please attend our Leadership Training Meeting. See attached flyer for details.
WRJ Pacific District (the umbrella organization for our Sisterhood) is having its (mostly) annual Area Day on July 14, 2024. The theme of this year's Area Day is "Put it all together: Ask, Listen, Learn, Lead." In addition to a fabulous keynote speaker, the day includes workshops on active listening, creating a welcoming space, exploring our traditions, engaging with diverse communities, critical issues on the table in 2024, and many, many more.
This year, the event is at Temple Beth Israel in Pomona, about a 50 minute drive from our Temple. There is also an event Saturday night which includes appetizers, dinner, Havdallah and dessert. You can stay overnight at the Doubletree Claremont Hotel for $189 if you don't want to drive back and forth. The cost of Sunday's Area Day is $45 if you register before July 1. To encourage our members to attend, our Sisterhood will cover $25 of the cost of the Sunday event. Pay for the event, and Sisterhood will reimburse you after you attend. The cost of the Saturday event is $25. If you are going, or even considering going, please reply to this email and let us know. We recommend carpooling. Also tell us whether you are interested in both Saturday and Sunday, or just Sunday, and whether you are thinking about staying at the hotel. Here is a link to a page with more information, a link to the Area Day packet and Group registration, and a button for online registration: Southern California Area Events - Women of Reform Judaism Pacific District ( Leadership Training Meeting Sunday July 7, 2024 Would you like to know the Whys of Sisterhood. What is WRJ? What is the YES Fund? How do we plan for the year in Sisterhood? Are you a leader or do you have any interest in becoming a leader in the future? Please attend our Leadership Training Meeting. RSVP needed, please. See attached flyer for details.
Thursday May 16, 2024 7pm We are looking forward to seeing you at our monthly event Thursday night. We will be voting on our new slate of officers and need your attendance.
We want to thank our efficient nominating committee. Our chair - Erika Barnathan along with committee members – Robyn Blachman, Sandy Robinson, Naomi Kokason and Sue Sculler met several times and below is the proposed slate of officers for the 2024-2025 Sisterhood board. Treasurer: Dorothy Hoffman Corresponding Secretary: Kathy Barker Recording Secretary: Eileen Roseman Financial Secretary: Diane Levine Education VP: Janice Berlin & Debbie Winters Religious Observances VP: Robyn Blachman Membership Co-VPs: Tove Aitchison & Roseanna Sculler Programming Co-VPs: Lori Garelik & Sandy Robinson Ways and Means: Sally Lax Administrative VP: Karen Jaye President: Phyllis Bigelson Being that there were no other nominations from the floor at our meeting April 18, we will be voting on this slate at our May 16 meeting.
AuthorYour president sends regular emails with upcoming events and interesting information. emails are posted here, so if you miss one, you can always find out what was said. Archives
January 2025
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