About Us
Sisterhood is a diverse group of women spanning all ages and backgrounds, with varying hobbies and interests who come together for friendship, camaraderie and the opportunity to fulfill ourselves as Jewish women.
The Bigger Community
Just as our Temple is a part of a larger organization called the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ), our Sisterhood is part of a larger organization called the Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ.) Within WRJ, TAS Sisterhood is in the Pacific District. TAS Sisterhood is well represented among the leadership of the Pacific District. The current WRJ Pacific District Treasurer is a member of of our Sisterhood. And three of our members have been presidents of the Pacific District Board. Click on the either of the links above to be taken to their websites. |
TAS Sisterhood Board 2024-2025
President Phyllis Bigelson Programming Co-VP Sandy Robinson Programming Co-VP Lori Garelik Membership Co-VP Tove Aitchison Membership Co-VP Roseanna Sculler Education Co-VP Janice Berlin Education Co-VP Debbie Winters Religious Obs, VP Robyn Blachman Admin VP Karen Jaye Ways & Means VP Sally Lax Treasurer Dori Hoffman Recording Secretary Eileen Roseman Financial Secretary Diane Levine Immediate Past Pres. Joann Averill Use the "Contact Us" page to get in touch with a board member. |
Groups that meet monthly
Our Monthly MahJongg group is meeting at the Temple on the fourth Wednesday of each month. Contact us if you are interested in participating. Our Chai Mitzvah group is meeting, Let us know if you are interested. We also have a Rosh Chodesh group, which gets together monthly for dinner and educational activities. Would you like to start a group? Contact us, and we will help make it happen. Click on the Monthly Groups button for more information. |