About us: Interest Groups
Sisterhood has several interest groups that meet monthly. We are always looking to start more. If you are interested in starting a new group, contact us via our Contact Us page and we will help with advertising your group, advice, and closet supplies (if you meet at the Temple).
Our monthly Mah Jongg group is back!
We play on the fourth Wednesday of every month. We always had a teacher there to give lessons and advice to those looking to improve their skills. Every level of play was accommodated. We charge a $5 donation to play and always provided snacks. Contact us for more information. |
Our Rosh Chodesh group gets
together monthly for a potluck dinner and educational activities. Some of the past topics have included: Traveling around the Jewish World in 80 Minutes, |
Chai Mitzvah is an engagement experience. It’s more than a program. It’s more than a typical adult education class. It’s a journey for you to take over the course of nine months, with others engaged in a similar journey. The group meets once a month for those nine months to learn from a set curriculum provided by Chai Mitzvah and the rest of the journey is what we like to call the "Jewish Bucket List." Click on the Chai Mitzvah button to learn more about this program.