Welcome to my first email as Sisterhood President (without a co-), hope your week is going well!
I wanted to let you know the WRJ Pacific District (our parent organization) Southern California Area Day is coming up on Sunday, July 17 from 9am to 3pm at Temple Judea in Tarzana. This is a great place to meet new people in our area! We encourage everyone (especially Board members) to attend this wonderful event, AND Sisterhood will cover $25 of the $45 registration fee for members and friends of Sisterhood. There are morning and afternoon workshops, a keynote speaker, lunch, and more! Go to the link for more info and to register: https://www.wrjpacific.org/southern-california-area-events.html If you want to carpool, post on our Facebook page (TAS Sisterhood - community) to communicate with others. See you soon, Joann Averill TAS Sisterhood President
AuthorYour president sends regular emails with upcoming events and interesting information. emails are posted here, so if you miss one, you can always find out what was said. Archives
January 2025
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