Our Chanuka celebration was loads of fun! Robyn did a great job with the decorations and the photo booth - you can find some photos on our website (go to tassisterhood.org and select "photos" from the menu) and more will be posted soon. A big shout-out to our photographer, Robert Blachman! Coming to celebrations like the Chanuka celebration is a great way to get to know other Sisterhood members and make friends. Another way is to pitch in and help out on one of our committees. When you help set up or clean up an oneg, extended kiddush, general meeting, or fundraiser, you schmooze with the other helpers and get to know them. We have an oneg substitute list that we go to when one of our oneg teams needs a substitute, but it is outdated. And we don't have lists of women we could call someone for help with general meetings or fundraisers. Plus, we have new Sisterhood members (and Friends!) that we would love to see on our lists, and there are women who have been Sisterhood members for a while, who could not have helped out before, but can now. Can we call you when we need help? If you are willing to be called when we need help with set-up and/or clean-up for onegs (Friday nights), Extended Kiddush (usually Saturday mornings), general meetings (Thursday nights) or fundraisers (usually Saturday nights or Sunday mornings), please reply to this email and let us know. Let us know if we should put you on all four lists, or if some of the events work better for you than others. Replying to this email doesn't commit you to work any particular event, it just means that if we need help, we might give you a call. And if your life doesn't permit you to be so involved right now, we totally understand, and we would love to hear from you when it does. This comic cracked me up because my brother had to get a special dog dish to force his Great Pyrenees puppy to eat more slowly, because she was gobbling her food so fast she would then throw up - J.
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AuthorYour president sends regular emails with upcoming events and interesting information. emails are posted here, so if you miss one, you can always find out what was said. Archives
January 2025
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