If you are coming to the paid-up luncheon on Sunday (Nov 12), would you be willing to come at 9 and help set-up? Or stay after and help clean up? If you want to come to the luncheon but have not RSVP'd, then reply to this email today and let us know. Advance reservations are REQUIRED, but if you haven't paid your dues yet (or become a Friend of Sisterhood), you can bring your check on Sunday.
We also need volunteers for the Holiday Boutique the following Sunday (Nov 19). We need people to help with the bake sale shifts (8:00-10:30, 10:30-1:00, and 1:00-3:30) and we need another cashier for the 9:30-11:30 shift. And we need more baked good donations, too. We made an online sign-up at http://signup.com/go/vNtZnAG, or just reply to this email. Speaking of volunteers, here are some awesome Sisterhood members who stepped up lately in big ways to make Sisterhood fabulous. Irene Miller volunteered to become our third Friday Judaica Shop hostess when Jill moved to Northern California. Laraine Miller made dozens of phone calls reminding members to send in their dues checks. And Becky Breuer volunteered to make gifts for our new members and Friends. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! If you would also be willing to pitch in to make Sisterhood even better, let us know. We have a couple of easy Fundraisers we would like to do that need chairs and committees. The Volunteer Recognition Lunch in June could use your help. And the Membership committee always needs new faces and new voices helping us be the best we can be. Today's humor is, of course, on volunteering: Ryan: Jim. I wanted to apologize... for how I treated you last year. I lost sight of myself and now that I've quit the rat race I've realized there's so much more to life than being the youngest VP in the company's history. I've even started volunteering. Giving back to the community. Jim: Well that's great. You're talking about your court-ordered community service? Ryan: I don't need a judge to tell me to keep my community clean. Jim: But he did, right? (From "The Office")
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January 2025
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